home about me photography fashion blog cool stuff brain dump

I know there isn't much to look at on this site yet but no worries about that, I'll be updating this site constantly as I work out what I want to put on here exactly haha. Coding is definitely harder than it looks and I'm not well-versed in HTML or CSS but I'm learning slowly!!

Anyway I should probably tell you about myself! I'm 19 and currently working on getting my Bachelor's in Graphic Design. I love art with all my heart and have since I was younger. As I've gotten older though, my love has spilled into other mediums, such as photography, videography, and editing. I love creating things very much and I look forward to sharing the things I create with you all! Think of my website as...a brain dump of sorts for me hahaha, I can't wait to add to this site. Web design is pretty fun. I should probably study it sometime. Maybe when I'm free one of these days.

- 27/8, 11:30pm

Adding some more stuff here as a little update...I know this is the about me page but I just really like how this page looks. I really messed up the home page lmao please do not judge it's really hard to use CSS. Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out how to use columns AND style the html together!!! It's super hard!!!!! Nothing is looking how I want it to, someone please send me help w3schools doesn't have anything to assist me on fixing this! My email is down below if you're feeling nice btw...I hope someone will see this and decide to help me out lol.

- 30/8, 11:55am